Insulation industry news from Global Insulation
Kingspan increases first-quarter sales in 2023
04 May 2023Ireland: Kingspan recorded sales of US$2.21bn during the first quarter of 2023, up by 4% year-on-year from first-quarter 2022 levels, Reuters has reported. The producer said that group insulation sales remained in line year-on-year. Insulated panel sales remained ‘sluggish,’ but constituted 25% of all orders. By region, sales were ‘strong’ in the Americas and ‘solid for the most part’ in Western Europe, while conditions ‘remained tough’ in Central and Eastern Europe. Kingspan forecast first-half earnings of US$441m in 2023.
The company proposed its future delisting from the UK-based London Stock Exchange, where it says current share trading is ‘negligible as percentage of total trading.’
UK/Ireland: The UK Housing Secretary Michael Gove has invited Ireland-based Kingspan to enter into discussions over a possible contribution by the company towards fire safety renovations on unsafe buildings across the UK. Following the deadly Grenfell Tower fire of June 2017, extensive UK housing stock was found to be unsafe due to the presence of flammable materials in exterior insulation systems. In an open letter, Gove said “Those companies who do not share our commitment to righting the wrongs of the past must expect to face commercial consequences.”
The Irish Times newspaper has reported that Kingspan previously said that it would contribute to 'an appropriate joint government and industry-wide funding mechanism' for the policy. Kingspan's Kooltherm K15 phenolic insulation accounted for 5% of Grenfell Tower's insulation. Kingspan clarified that it was not responsible for the supply of the insulation used in construction of the tower.
Ireland: Kingspan's CO2 emissions fell by 26% over the two years between 2020 and 2022. The group aims to achieve a 90% reduction in CO2 emissions between 2020 and 2030. The Irish Times newspaper has reported that the company adopted a Euro70/t internal pricing mechanism in January 2023. Over the past three years, it increased its renewable energy share to 33% from 20%, increased its rainwater harvesting capacity by 26% and reduced its volume of waste sent to landfill by 42%.
Kingspan head of sustainability Bianca Wong said "It’s a testament to the enduring efforts of our colleagues that we completed over 100 projects in 2022. We will continue to build on our progress to date and aim to further accelerate our strategies in the coming years."
Kingspan increases full-year sales in 2022
21 February 2023Ireland: Kingspan's consolidated sales rose by 28% year-on-year to Euro8.3bn in 2022 from Euro6.5bn in 2021. The group's profit after tax also rose, by 8% to Euro616m from Euro571m. Its turnover from insulation sales rose by 40% to Euro1.66bn, while its turnover from insulated panels sales rose by 23% to Euro5.18bn. Panel volumes were reportedly 'more challenged' during the second half of the year.
CEO Gene Murtagh said “The 2022 outturn was very satisfactory in the context of accumulating uncertainty over the course of a bumpy year, which saw a strong first half performance giving way to a more subdued environment in the second half." He added "Given the powerful combination of our global scale, the diversity of our end markets, our ability to grow organically and through acquisition, alongside our strong innovation pipeline and an ongoing societal drive for energy efficiency, we believe Kingspan is very well placed for continuing progress for the benefit of all stakeholders."
Ross Foreman appointed as National Wood Wool Manager for UK & Ireland for Knauf Insulation
13 February 2023UK/Ireland: Knauf Insulation has appointed Ross Foreman as its National Wood Wool Manager for UK & Ireland. Foreman will support the company’s drive to meet increasing demand for its Heraklith range of wood wool products.
Knauf Insulation offers two core products in the Heraklith range: the Heraklith A2 Decorative Panel, which is a cement-bonded wood wool panel; and the Heraklith Tektalan A2 SmartTec, which is a cement-bonded wood wool panel combined with a rock mineral wool insulation core. Both products are non-combustible with A2 - s1, d0 Euroclass reaction to fire classification.
The Heraklith A2 Decorative Panel is designed for use in residential, recreational, industrial and commercial environments where sound absorption is desired. It is available in three panel thicknesses with thermal conductivity of 0.085W/mK.
Heraklith Tektalan A2 SmartTec is suitable for insulating the soffits of carparks and underground garages, basement ceilings and technical rooms. It has a thermal conductivity of 0.095W/mK and the mineral wool core a thermal conductivity of 0.034W/mK.
SIG’s revenues grow in 2022 despite softer second half
13 February 2023UK: SIG’s sales revenue grew by 17% year-on-year to Euro3.12bn in 2022 on a like-for-like basis. Market demand fell in the second half of the year with particularly slowed growth in Poland and Ireland although growth increased in the Benelux region. The group said that its commercial strategy had strengthened its positions in the markets in which it operate. It observed that although input price inflation eased in the second half of 2022 it had slowed revenue growth. The company also reported a one-off loss of around Euro5.60m in the second half due to Avonside, a large UK-based roofing contractor and one of the group's largest customers, entering financial administration.
Kingspan launches QuadCore LEC insulation panels
27 January 2023Ireland/UK: Kingspan has launched a range of reduced-CO2 insulation panels called QuadCore LEC. The producer says that a 100mm-thick QuadCore AWP panel has 40% lower embodied CO2 than an EN15804-A2 standard insulation panel of the same thickness.
Kingspan’s head of innovation Mike Stenson said “As a business we are committed to developing high performing, energy efficient building envelope solutions that help minimise the carbon footprint of buildings over the whole life cycle.” He added “QuadCore is already one of the highest performing insulation technologies in terms of thermal efficiency (underpinned by a 25-year thermal warranty), which could enable higher energy and carbon savings through the operational life of the building. This is the first step on our journey to reducing the embodied carbon of our products, and we anticipate some major milestones by 2030 to drive that down even further.”
Kingspan’s sales rise by 33% to Euro6.25bn so far in 2022
11 November 2022Ireland: Kingspan’s sales rose by 33% year-on-year to Euro6.25bn in the first nine months of 2022. It said that insulated panel sales grew by 29% and insulation board sales grew by 48%. Panel sales were reported as holding up ‘reasonably well’ in the Americas, Germany and the UK but as being weaker elsewhere in Europe. Board sales increases were led by a rise in price.
UK: Insulation and cladding companies have blamed each other in a public inquiry investigating the Grenfell Tower Fire that took place in 2017 that led to 72 deaths. During closing statements to the inquiry the Press Association reports that the legal representation for Ireland-based Kingspan said, "In its phase one report the inquiry concluded that the cladding system on Grenfell Tower did not comply with the building regulations and that the PE ACM [polyethylene cladding] manufactured by Arconic was the principal reason for the rapid fire spread." The lawyer went on to summarise that Kingspan’s Kooltherm K15 phenolic insulation product was safe when used appropriately and not relevant to the nature and speed of the spread of the fire in this instance.
In a written statement though Arconic blamed the cause of the fire upon the failure by those involved in the refurbishment of the tower in assessing the fire performance of the building materials used and their configuration. It added, "A failure which was in significant part the result of the efforts made by the manufacturers of the insulation, Celotex and Kingspan, to hide or downplay the combustible and hence (under the prevailing regulatory regime) non-compliant nature of their product, an awareness of which would otherwise and in any event have led inexorably to the choice and configuration of the components being re-visited and amended."
The majority of the insulation purchased for use in a refurbishment of Grenfell Tower prior to the fire in June 2017 was Celotex’s RS5000 polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) insulation board. However, Kingspan confirmed in July 2017 that a small amount of its Kooltherm K15 product had also been used without its knowledge and that it had no involvement in the design or specification of the refurbishment.
Ireland: Kingspan says that it expects to record a profit of Euro415m in the first half of 2022, up by 26% year-on-year from Euro329m in the first half of 2021. The company noted that its global backlog of insulated panels orders fell by 2% year-on-year in volume on 31 May 2022, having previously been up by 19% year-on-year on 31 March 2022. It said that order volumes nonetheless remained above 2019 levels.