Insulation industry news from Global Insulation
US: The chief executive officers (CEO) of 13 US companies, including BASF and DuPont, are lobbying the President and Congress to enact business-led climate change legislation. This initiative, known as the CEO Climate Dialogue, urges the government to put in place a long-term federal policy as soon as possible, in accordance with a set of six guiding principles. The group aims to build bipartisan support for climate policies that it says will, “… increase regulatory and business certainty, reduce climate risk, and spur investment and innovation needed to meet science-based emissions reduction targets.”
Companies involved in the CEO Dialogue include BASF, BP, Citi, Dominion Energy, Dow, DTE Energy, DuPont, Exelon, Ford Motor Company, LafargeHolcim, PG&E, Shell, and Unilever. Four environmental groups have also supplied input to the initiative. These are the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, Environmental Defense Fund, the Nature Conservancy and World Resources Institute.
The six principles include: ‘significantly’ reducing US greenhouse gas emissions; allowing an effective timeline for reductions that will enable capital intensive industries to adjust in an ‘economically rational manner’; instituting a market-based price on carbon; making the policies durable and responsible; doing no harm to the competitiveness of the US economy with particular attention to carbon leakage; and promoting equity. Specifically the initiative says that US policy should ensure the country is on a path to achieve economy-wide emissions reductions of 80% or more by 2050 with ‘aggressive’ short and medium term emissions reductions.
“DuPont is pleased to be part of the CEO Climate Dialogue and support its guiding principles to accelerate the development of federal policy on climate change. At DuPont, our science and innovation is inextricably linked with sustainability practices that deliver specialised materials that contribute to a safer, healthier, more sustainable world. We believe strong, consistent policy measures and a cohesive regulatory environment are needed to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy and foster innovation, investment and economic growth,” said Marc Doyle, CEO-Elect of DuPont.
China: An investigation by non-government agency the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has found that trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) is being widely used as a blowing agent in the rigid polyurethane (PU) foam insulation sector. The EIA contacted 25 precursor or foam producers and found that 18 of these plants were using CFC-11 in 10 different provinces.
In May 2018 the journal Nature revealed that CFC-11 emissions had increased by around 25% since 2012 despite reported production being close to zero in 2006. CFC-11, other chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and substances that damage the Ozone Layer were banned under the Montreal Protocol from 2010.
The EIA speculates that widespread use of CFC-11 by Chinese PU foam producers may be the source of the reported rise of emissions. It estimates that up to 3500 small and medium sized companies could have switched to using CFC-11 following a reduction in the supply of HCFC-141b, an alternative blowing agent, and lax enforcement of the ban on CFC-11. One company representative the EIA spoke to said that HCFC-141b was US$150/t more expensive than CFC-11.
“This is an environmental crime on a massive scale. How the Montreal Protocol addresses this issue will determine whether it continues to merit its reputation as the world’s most effective environmental treaty,” said Climate Campaign Leader Clare Perry.
The EIA has released its report ahead of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Montreal Protocol meeting in Vienna in mid July 2018.
Canada: An Owens Corning fiberglass insulation plant in Edmonton has been ordered to monitor its emissions following a fire in early January 2016. The fire on 4 January 2016 damaged the plant's secondary air scrubber on its insulation batting production line.
Without the second scrubber the plant is contravening its Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act approval. A remedial solution to replace the curing oven's secondary air scrubber could take more than six months to implement.
As part of an enforcement order Owens Corning must monitor and notify Alberta Environment and Parks of any significant deviation from normal performance of the primary air emission scrubber on the curing oven. If the plant exceeds any air emission limits then production must immediately stop. Additional monitoring on the curing oven stack, including manual stack surveys, and an approved ambient air-monitoring plan are also required.