Insulation industry news from Global Insulation
UK: Knauf Insulation has reopened its St Helens glass wool insulation plant in Merseyside following a 25,000t/yr capacity expansion. Local press has reported that the upgrade included the installation of a larger furnace for melting locally-sourced glass cullet. The new equipment allows for the addition of higher-thickness products to Knauf Insulation’s existing ranges.
Merseyside Mayor Steve Rotheram attended the reopening and noted the plant’s importance in continuing St Helens’ tradition of glass products manufacturing.
Knauf and Knauf Insulation launch knauf.com
13 September 2024World: Germany-based gypsum wallboard and plaster producer Knauf and its insulation subsidiary Knauf Insulation have consolidated their online presence with a new website, knauf.com. The site offers access to the group’s entire product range. Knauf said that the shift aims to help customers to increase their productivity.
Knauf Ibérica marketing and technical director Pablo Maroto said "This new platform reinforces our commitment to innovation and facilitates access to our solutions at a global level."
Knauf Insulation completes new plant in Târnăveni
04 September 2024Romania: Knauf Insulation has announced the completion of its new 100Mm2/yr mineral glass wool plant in Târnăveni, scheduled for inauguration by the end of 2024. With an investment of approximately €140m, the facility has a capacity of 75,000t/yr of mineral glass wool. This output will meet both domestic and regional market demands and create 100 jobs.
Adrian Garofeanu, general manager of Knauf Insulation Romania and Bulgaria said “In the second half of 2024, we are inaugurating the new Knauf Insulation unit in Romania. It is a remarkable success of the team, which will turn Târnăveni into a key location on the map of the international production of mineral glass wool.”
US: Knauf Insulation has secured US$3.28m in funding from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop and verify Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for insulation. Knauf Insulation will produce the EPDs based on comprehensive Life Cycle Assessments of its products.
Knauf North America director of sustainability Gabriela Fleury said "Transparency is embedded in our core values and a key component of our business conduct. It is imperative that our product documentation provides accurate, reliable and updated information to our stakeholders. This grant will leverage the development and improvement of EPDs, which not only allows clients to make informed decisions about lower embodied carbon products, but also indicate areas of improvement to lower greenhouse gas emissions throughout our operations. This grant represents a significant sustainability leap for all of our stakeholders. It enables us to enhance our EPD portfolio, meeting increasing market demands for product transparency."
Knauf Ibérica launches Etiks Aquapanel façade system
10 July 2024Spain: Knauf Ibérica has announced the launch of Etiks, a façade system comprised of Aquapanel Outdoor mineral wool and expanded polystyrene boards. Alimarket-Construcción News has reported that the system is compatible with Knauf ColorMix technology, enabling rapid on-site colouring of finishes or primers.
Product manager Isabel Gómez said "The external thermal insulation composite system is very interesting for refurbishing or constructing buildings for energy efficiency, greater comfort and savings in air conditioning."
UK: Knauf Insulation UK & Ireland is preparing to build a €200m rock mineral wool plant to supply the UK market. The company is currently discussing with the authorities where the plant will be situated. The unit will have a production capacity of over 100,000t/yr and will use low-carbon electric melting technology. It is anticipated the additional capacity will become available in 2026.
Neil Hargreaves, Knauf Insulation’s Managing Director for Northern Europe, said "Following the €50m investment across our two UK glass mineral wool plants in 2023 - 2024, this represents another exciting development for the business and our valued customers, as well as a further sign of confidence from Knauf Group in the future growth of the UK and Northern European mineral wool markets. The investment represents a step change in the capacity, capability, and sustainability of our UK rock mineral wool solutions, whilst significantly contributing towards Knauf Group’s ambitious sustainability goals."
Knauf Insulation launches Knauf Performance+ asthma and allergy-friendly glass wool insulation
02 May 2024North America: Knauf Insulation has launched its new Knauf Performance+ range of glass wool insulation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning applications. The launch of the range, which is asthma and allergy friendly and formaldehyde-free, coincided with the start of Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month on 1 May 2024.
Knauf Insulation said “In a world where indoor air is two-to-five times more polluted than outdoor air, improving indoor air quality is critical.” Senior vice president sales, marketing and innovation Nathan Walker added “By the end of 2024, Knauf commits to eliminating formaldehyde from all its remaining products. This move sets a new standard in the production of high-performing building materials.”
Knauf Insulation releases sustainability highlights report for 2023
07 December 2023Belgium: Knauf Insulation has released its ‘Sustainability Journey: 2023 Highlights’ report. It reveals the company’s sustainability strategy achievements focusing on safety, employee engagement, decarbonisation and the circular economy.
The company reduced its absolute full-scope emissions for its mineral wool production by 8.2% year-on-year to 1.34Mt of CO2e in 2022 from 1.46Mt in 2021, mainly due to a significant fall in Scope 2 emissions. it currently has a target to reduce its specific embodied carbon emissions by 15% from 2021 to 2025. The recycled content of its glass mineral wool products fell to 55% in 2022 from 64%, despite the company having a target of 65% by 2025. It explained that sourcing large volumes of recycled materials of sufficient quality had proved challenging in some markets. However, it did increase the recycled content of its rock mineral wool products to 13% from 11%, with a target of 25% set for 2024. It also reduced its total recordable incident rate by 8% to 5.9 from 6.4 against a target of below 5 for 2025.
Dominique Bossan, the chief executive officer for Europe, Middle East and Asia at Knauf Group, said “The report documents our progress towards achieving our 2025 sustainability targets. It shows the areas where we need to improve, celebrates where we have made positive progress and pays tribute to the hard work of our teams."
Knauf Insulation celebrates 45 years of business in the US
21 November 2023US: Germany-based Knauf Insulation celebrated the 45th anniversary of its US operations earlier in November 2023. The producer first entered the market following its acquisition of the Shelbyville glass wool insulation plant in Indiana in 1978. It has since grown its business from 450 employees at the Shelbyville plant to 1600 employees across six different sites.
Knauf North America CEO Matt Parrish said “Our commitment to innovation and sustainability has been a driving force behind our continued success and we are excited for what the future holds. As we look ahead, we will continue to prioritise our employees, customers, and the communities we serve, with a focus on creating innovative solutions that shape the way we live and build."
Knauf Insulation lobbies Council of the European Union to decarbonise building stock
29 September 2023Spain: Knauf Insulation has called on Spain, as the current president of the Council of the European Union, to further decarbonise building stock in the region.
Oscar Del Rio, the general manager of Knauf Insulation Iberia, said “The outcome of domestic politics may still be uncertain at the moment, but on the international stage, Spain holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union until the end of December 2023 and its focus must be crystal clear. Europe needs to seize the opportunity of the recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) to ensure an approach that will decarbonise its building stock by increasing renovation rates and committing to quality retrofit standards that deliver real performance.”
The insulation producer cited research by the Building Performance Institute (BPIE), which it supported, that found that insulating all Europe’s residential buildings would cut energy demand for space heating by 44%, compared to 2020, making a ‘significant’ contribution to energy security and the EU’s 2050 climate goals. The company has also urged policy makers to introduce ‘one-stop shops’ for renovation to enable building owners to make retrofitting easier and to use digital tools to make it easier for people to view potential performance savings.
The company used Spain as an example of a country that needs a more ambitious renovation strategy. It noted that, according to Spain’s Energy Renovation of the Building Sector strategy, 9.7 million homes or 50% of residential buildings were built before 1980 and an additional one million are described as in a poor or dilapidated condition. In addition, 81% of existing buildings are in the E, F or G emissions categories and 84.5% are in these categories for energy consumption. It quoted research by Renovate Europe that found that the renovation rate of buildings in Spain was eight to 10 times lower than the average for neighbouring countries.